Classification of ethnic groups in India on the basis of Languages

On the basis of language, the Indian people are divided into three groups: viz. - Arya group, Dravidian group and tribal group.

A) Aryan group: People who speak in north India Bengali, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Gurmukhi etc., mainly derived from Sanskrit, are called Aryan people.

Classification of ethnic groups in India on the basis of Languages
Classification of ethnic groups in India on the basis of Languages

B) Dravidian groups: - People who speak Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam languages ​​of southern India are called Dravidian people.

C) Aboriginal people: - The indigenous people are called indigenous peoples, people of Santal, Kol, Munda etc. living in the jungle and hills. Their language is completely different from Sanskrit and Dravidian.
