The Rise of Magadha: The successive reigns of four powerful dynasties in a row made th…
Sixteen Mahajanapadas: India was not united in the sixth century BC. Originally from B…
Origin and Evolution of Vedic Civilization It is believed that the Indus Valley Civ…
Who Were the Aryans ? The Aryan problem is a complex problem in history. The iden…
The Rise of Magadha: The successive reigns of four powerful dynasties in a row made the rise of Magadha possible. Those four dynasties are- (1) Harshanka dynasty, (2) Shishunaga dynasty, (3) Na…
Sixteen Mahajanapadas: India was not united in the sixth century BC. Originally from Buddhist and Jain scriptures, it is known that at that time India was divided into sixteen kingdoms or Mahajan…
Origin and Evolution of Vedic Civilization It is believed that the Indus Valley Civilization was destroyed and the Aryan Civilization developed around 1500 BC. But there is no end to the contro…
Who Were the Aryans ? The Aryan problem is a complex problem in history. The identity of the Aryans is still a mystery. According to one view, Aryan refers to people of a particular lang…
The Discovery of Indus Valley Civilization or Harappan Civilization In 1222, Bengali archaeologist Rakhaldas Bandyopadhyay discovered the most advanced patterns of civilization in the copper-st…
Can't say exactly when people first started living in India. The earliest known Indian man has been found near Hathnora village near Hoshangabad in Madhya Pradesh. It was not possible to accu…
Sources of Medieval Indian History The Sultanate era and the Mughal era were called the Middle Ages. There is no shortage of history books in the Middle Ages. That is why literary material is mo…
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