Vedic Civilization || Features of vedic civilization

Origin and Evolution of Vedic Civilization

 It is believed that the Indus Valley Civilization was destroyed and the Aryan Civilization developed around 1500 BC. But there is no end to the controversy among scholars over the relationship between the two civilizations, the question of which was earlier, which was later, or whether the Aryans were the creators of the Indus Civilization, the original home of the Aryans in India, or whether they were foreigners. There is no universally accepted answer to these questions. The Vedas were the main crop of Aryan Manisha and from the Vedas we get the identity of Aryan civilization. So this civilization is called Vedic civilization. The historical era in India started from the time of Rikveda. It is not known exactly when the Rikveda was composed. According to Maxmuller, it was written between 1200 BC and 1000 BC. According to Balgangadhar Tilak, 6000 BC. No one thinks the second opinion is acceptable. However, it is generally believed that the Rikveda was composed between 1200 BC and 1000 BC. This age is therefore called Rikvavedic age. The next age of the Rikva-Vedic age is called the post-Vedic age.

Vedic Civilization  Features of vedic civilization

Features of Vedic civilisation

Generally, we call the Vedic age from 1000 BC to 600 BC, about 1000 years. Some of the features of this era are easily noticed. 
  • First, this is the beginning of the historical era in India. That is, from this time on we can rely on literary material. From the Vedas, we can learn many valuable facts about contemporary political, social, economic and religious life. 
  • Second, the political history of this period is vague and largely unknown to us. 
  • Thirdly, the excellence and high standard of Vedic literature is the object of pride of any country. At this time such a high-quality literature was not found anywhere else in the world. 
  • Fourth, the Vedic civilization was the first civilization in the vast plains of the Ganges-Jamuna Bidhaut in northern India. The eastern boundary of the Indus Valley Civilization was Alamgirpur in Meerut district. 
  • Fifth, the Vedic civilization was village-centric. At first, they lived a nomadic life. Animal husbandry was their main livelihood. Later they started farming and built villages. 
  • Finally, it is important to keep in mind that the advanced civilization and culture that the Aryans developed has inspired Indians throughout the ages and today we carry on the legacy of that tradition and tradition.

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